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These are the most frequent questions veterans ask when contacting our offices. If you have a question that is not listed below, please feel free to contact our office.

Can my spouse go with me?

The only spouses who are permitted to go are those who are veterans themselves.

I am the widow of a World War II veteran. Can I go?

Sadly, the answer is "no". Again, we simply do not have the resources, funding, or seating available to transport all the veterans who are presently on our waiting list. Adding spouses and widows simply isn't an option for our program at this time.

How much does it cost? How much money do I need to bring?

The cost is FREE for all veterans. You do not need to bring any money, unless you intend to purchase souvenirs.

Can my son, daughter, grandson, etc. go as a guardian?

Yes. Our TOP priority is the safe travel of ALL the veterans. Who will or will not serve as a guardian, and how many guardians will be needed, is the sole responsibility of Honor Flight Northland.  That decision is based upon many factors, such as:

  • How many disabled veterans are scheduled to go?

  • Of the disabled veterans going, how many will have to be physically assisted getting on and off the bus?

  • Which guardian applicants are most qualified? Medically trained, active duty military personnel and veterans who have previously participated in a flight are given top priority and serve as leadership members. The applicants physically capable of assisting in the lifting veterans are also a top priority. Once enough of those positions have been filled, other applicants are then considered. Again, these decisions rest solely with Honor Flight Northland.

Can I make a donation to Honor Flight Northland?

Honor Flight Northland gratefully accepts donations from anyone EXCEPT veterans joining us on the trip. We feel that veterans have given enough. This is our way of saying "Thank You!" To learn more about how to donate, please visit our Donation Page.

How do you decide which veterans get to go?

Veterans are flown on a "first-come, first-served basis." Within the applicants, top priority is currently given to World War II veterans and all other veterans with terminal illness. Our second priority is to Korean War veterans and then Vietnam War veterans.

How are you funded?

Honor Flight Northland receives no national, government sponsorship. Our funding comes primarily from individuals across the community who recognize the great accomplishments and sacrifices of veterans and want them to see their memorial before it's too late. Other significant contributors have been fraternal organizations like local American Legion, VFW, Am Vets, DAV, MOPH, posts and chapters.

What if a veteran is on oxygen or will need a wheelchair?


Many veterans we have transported use wheelchairs. Our deluxe motor coaches are ordered based upon this fact. All of our coaches are equipped with wheelchair lifts.


If the veteran requires oxygen, a prescription for the oxygen must be provided by the veteran's healthcare provider, identifying the delivery method (mask or nasal cannula), frequency (as needed or continuously), and the rate of delivery (2-3 liters per minute). Honor Flight Northland will provide an FAA- approved oxygen concentrator for use during the trip if local oxygen equipment is not available. We also provide oxygen cylinders to be used at the memorials. Veterans on oxygen are required to have oxygen cylinders available from their home to the departure airport and also on the return from their local airport back to their homes. No oxygen cylinders are permitted to be used on

the aircraft. If the veteran requires oxygen during the trip, please contact us to discuss arrangements.

Are terminally ill World War II veterans given any special priority?

YES! Such veterans go to the top of the list for the next flight departing to Washington D.C. Not only are World War II veterans given this top priority, but any terminally ill veteran, who has never been able to visit their memorial, is given the same priority. Please contact us for more information.

Who is in charge of the program?

Throughout the United States there are several programs that operate in conjunction as part of Honor Flight Network. This governing body establishes general protocols, policies, credentialing, and maintains a national Website and oversight of several programs.

The Honor Flight Network Chairman can be reached by email at The Honor Flight Network program was founded by Earl Morse and Jeff Miller and is based out of Springfield, Ohio.

Honor Flight Network Headquarters can be reached at 937-521-2400, or email at

The mailing address is:

Honor Flight Network
4601 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22203

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